
Research and Publications

I have an interest in what happens to athletes and sportspersons following career termination and what can influence outcomes. I have undertaken several research projects in this area with footballers specifically (see publications below).

In the future, I would be interested in undertaking further research aimed at developing and evaluating two strands of service provision for athletes and sportspersons. Firstly, I would like to develop tailored and personalised interventions for sportspersons experiencing mental health difficulties and psychological distress following career termination. Secondly, I would be interested in developing preventative approaches that (i) minimise the risk of adverse outcomes following career termination, (ii) foster psychological well-being, and (iii) make the sportspersons transition to another career within or outside of sport smoother.

If you are a researcher interested in these areas and/or working together, please contact me.

Blakelock, D.J., & Slater, M. (2020). A developing grounded theory regarding how footballers measure outcomes following career termination and what influences these outcomes. Journal of Sport Behavior, 42(3), 288-318.
Blakelock, D.J., Chen, M., & Prescott, T. (2019). Coping and psychological distress in elite adolescent soccer players following professional academy deselection. Journal of Sport Behavior, 42(1), 3-28.
Blakelock, D.J., Chen, M., & Prescott, T. (2016). Psychological distress in elite adolescent soccer players following deselection. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 10, 59-77.

Aims and Values

Assisting others, being hardworking and dedicated, persistence, being skillful and being highly competent.
Aims and Values
David Blakelock

About Me

A dual-trained Clinical and Sport Psychologist practicing in Bupa and independently.
About me


Psychological services aimed at enhancing your performance and improving your mental health and well-being.